One of the most important aspects of the shifting process is the transportation process. This involves moving the goods and your belongings to the other location through trucks and lorries or whatever means of transport available. The mode and medium should be such that it provides instant and quick movement of goods.
These goods should also be protected from any form of harm or damage while they are being transported. Fragile items like computers are liable to be damaged when the trucks or lorries used encounter bums in the form of seed-breakers or other pot-holes. The interior of these trucks and lorries should be provided with adequate cushioning with linen or packing material to avoid damage to the goods being transported. Those driving these vehicles should be adequately trained how to deal with touch situations where the automobile needs to cross unusual terrain.
They also need special training to deal effectively with the security personnel at city and state borders.
The important point to be borne in mind is that most of the damage that goods incur is while they are being transported. This is when they need to be handled with the greatest care. Truck drivers should practice the most care and delicacy while driving these vehicles.